That piece of your tyre which contacts the road at any given moment
is about the same as the size of a post card. So much relies on this
small piece of rubber:- safety, fuel economy, comfort and your cars
longevity. Yet, a lot of people repeatedly neglect their tyres. Faulty
tyres are not only unsafe but they are illegal. EACH faulty tyre can
cost you three penalty points. Below are 6 brief reminders of what you
should look out for as far as your tyres are concerned.
1. Tyre Tread
minimum legal requirement is 1.6mm. This minimum tread depth should be
present over at least 3/4 of the width of the tyre and throughout the
whole circumference of the tyre. Anything less than this is against the
law and should call for a new set of tyres.Good tyre tread increases
grip in dry conditions and it disperses water in wet conditions. The
better the tread,the more water is dispersed and the more grip you get
therefore your car is safer to drive.
2.Tyre Pressure.
tyre pressure reduces irregular wear. Your vehicle is also more
dangerous to drive if the tyres pressures are incorrect. Proper
pressures can also save fuel. It is always advisable to check tyre
pressures when the tyres are cold as readings are more accurate. Monthly
checks are advisable. Ther are a few places to find what the correct
pressures are for your tyres:- On the inside of the flap for the filler
cap. On the door frame or door of the vehicle. In the drivers manual.
3. Balanced Tyres.
balanced tyres help lessen irregular wear and eliminates vibration.
Your steering system, suspension and bearings will also gain from
balanced wheels. As a rule , the majority of tyre fitters will offer
free wheel balancing when fitting new tyres.
4. Wheel alignment.
wheel alignment is setting the wheels to travel straight without
pulling to one side. Wheels which are not properly aligned will impinge
on the vehicles steering, suspension, fuel consumption and handling.
Once again uneven tyre wear is the result, as well as wear and tear on
other parts of the vehicle.
5. Tyre Valves.
It is such a
small thing but can have a huge bearing on your tyres. Where valves are
faulty or where valve caps are missing, air can leak. It is also the
principal seal between the inside and outside of the tyre so it will
keep out dirt and dust.Once again, valves in sound condition will help
keep up accurate tyre pressures and save you money.
6. Tyre Repairs
go to the pros when a tyre needs fixed or replaced. A wide-ranging and
thorough inspection of both external and internal surfaces and
structures involves the tyre to be removed from the wheel. Your
specialist can then check and put right:-
Legal requirements
Compliance with manufacturers requirements.
Correct pressures
Proper wheel balancing
Proper alignment
Internal And ExternalTyre Structure and Condition
Valves and Valve Caps.
It is at all times better to be safe than sorry!
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