Thursday, November 22, 2012

Automotive Lifts Demand Forecast in Domestic and Abroad Market

Information on, lift the global market size of approximately $ 10 billion, and domestic lift market is approximately $ 300,000,000. With the increase in car ownership in China, will further increase. Lift market will remain at 8 to 12 percent growth rate in the next three years.

Different maintenance companies based on financial, maintenance projects, the workshop the size of the different type of lift demand is not the same. Two post lift is currently being widely used in mainstream lift car lift products on the market, 70% lift is the lift of the two posts, is the biggest-selling lift type.
Two post lift installation faster, less noise, smooth movements, adjustable support parts of different models. Such a lift for lifting of small and medium-sized automotive repair and assembly work. The main users of the main assembly overhaul repair shop, 4S shop.

The four-post lift is available for most models. However, the large four-post lift support device tend to impede the workers work. The main users of the fast lube-based small businesses, because the fast lube business need vehicles to quickly take off and land, if you buy two post lift you need to spend some time in the vehicle taking off and landing process. 4S shop is a huge demand for the four-post lift.

Scissor Lift easy to use, when not in space, welcomed by a lot of the strength of the authorized service stations, this is also the direction of development of the next lift. Scissor Lift is more sophisticated, working poor or poorly designed it is easy to lead the table injustice, unilateral lifting danger, if the use of a scissor lifts for the platform of the four wheel alignment requires more stringent.

Automotive lift market capacity will continue to expand. With the growing number of car ownership in China, the private purchase become the mainstream of the car, the aftermarket will also flourish, lift in the future the demand will continue to increase, according to industry experts predict that, within the next three years, lifting machine market will be maintained at a growth rate of 8% to 12%.
Intelligence products will continue to increase. Months vary with the technical development of the daily wage, lift more and more intelligent in terms of design and user-friendly will be the remote control, computer control of the direction of development. At the same time, as technology continues to mature, their standard will be gradually unified. Advanced technology, stable quality products will dominate the market.

The overseas market will be the next major growth point. Lift the global market size of approximately $ 10 billion, there are already many manufacturers to open up overseas, to share to the international market cake.

tags: car lifts, automotive lift, motorcycle lift

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